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Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs mixed-Signal, 8-bit and 32-bit Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Try to put the latest devices on top of each section and mark end-of-line products. Only specify the main parameters of the micro controllers and go more into deep with details about the CAN interface. Always try to put a link to the data sheet or manual.

8 bit Controllers

  • C8051F04x 25 MIPS 8051 CPU, CAN controller with 32 message objects,
  • C8051F06x Analog-Intensive MCUs
  • C8051F5xx ​C8051F0x/51x Automotive & Industrial MCUs, CAN and LIN interfaces

16 bit Controllers

32 bit Controllers

Silabs aquired Energy Micro, based in Oslo Norway, in 2003. At this time EFM32 Gecko MCUs, were the most energy efficiant ARM controllers.

Currently CAN is not available on the 32 bit devices, but on the “Embedded World 2015” there were rumors about it.


Stand alone CAN Controllers


Checked this site today. still only C8051 family has CAN — Heinz-Jürgen Oertel 2014/02/17 23:07

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